Bluefaced Leicester Rovings
(Washed at home, carded by Custom Woolen Mills of Carstairs).
Adult Bluefaced Leicester Roving
75% Bluefaced Leicester / 25% Mohair
I managed to spin a small sample - you can produce really fine yarns with that extra lustre that the mohair provides. This roving is also incredibly soft and spins very easily. It is a joy to work with!
100 grams/ $16 plus shipping and handling.
Gotland Roving
Batts are available in three shades of gray. Produced on the farm with my Duncan carder, the batts are approximately 16" x 24" . Another beautifully soft fibre that is a pleasure to work with. Gotland can be used for felting as well as for spinning.
I also have roving, processed by Custom Woolen Mills of Carstairs available for sale in either a light gray or a medium gray.
Batts or rovings are in 100 grams lots for $18